Warrior Warbirds

Warbird Adventure Flights

Warrior Warbirds ABN: 20 278 156 836

Terms & Conditions

Passengers are required to follow the Pilot's instructions at all times during the Warbird Adventure Flight experience.


The minimum passenger age is 12. Additionally passengers aged 12 to 17 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or carer during the preflight briefing and must meet the passenger at the conclusion of the flight.

Weight Restriction

The maximum passenger weight is 130 kg.

Passenger Requirements

Passengers are required to inform the pilot of any medical conditions that might compromise safety during the flight.

Passengers must wear enclosed footwear, and must not wear any footwear which could damage the aircraft such as high heels.

Passengers must not be intoxicated.

The pilot will make the final determination on a passengers suitability for safe flight, and reserves the right to refuse carriage.

Fly at your own risk

Military aircraft are built and tested to different standards than that put forward by CASA or any equivalent international civil aviation governing body. In Australia they are operated as "Limited" category aircraft. As such, in accordance with Civil Aviation Safety Regulation (CASR) Parts 132.140, 150 and 132.155;

  • The design, manufacture and airworthiness of the aircraft are not required to meet any standard recognized by CASA; and

  • CASA does not require the aircraft to be operated to the same degree of safety as an aircraft used for regular public transport or charter operations; and

  • The passenger agrees to participate in this flight at his or her own risk; and

  • If it is reasonable to believe that a passenger cannot understand the safety briefing; said passenger cannot fly; and

  • A more detailed briefing will be provided to the passenger before they board the aircraft

  • If the person making the booking for this flight is not the passenger, note that the operator of the flight is required to provide the passenger with a detailed briefing – to include the information contained herein – prior to the passenger boarding the aircraft.

For more information about the Australian Governments rules for the operation on "Limited" category aircraft see Civil Aviation Safety Regulation (CASR) Part 132 by following this link to www.legislation.gov.au.

Before flight passengers must understand the following briefing about Warrior Warbirds Adventure Flights;


  • This is an Adventure Category flight and is not required to meet the same standards as normally expected in other passenger carrying operations.

  • The aircraft is an ex-military type, and does not have normal civilian Certification.

  • There is risk inherent in the operation of this aircraft.

  • The manoeuvres to be expected are loops, rolls, stall turns, and wingovers; which will cause the passenger to experience positive ‘g’ and perhaps negative ‘g’. You may ask the pilot to cease aerobatics at any point.

  • The aircraft has active controls in the passenger cockpit which must not be interfered with at any time. Hands and feet must remain clear of the joystick and rudder pedals.

  • The aircraft is relatively noisy but there is an intercom button which requires the microphone to be near the mouth while holding down in order to operate. Passengers are encouraged to converse with the pilot, though they may be asked to hold conversation due to radio requirements from time to time.

  • There will be several noises heard during flight and ground operations, since the aircraft operating systems are largely pneumatic. For example, you will hear (and feel) the undercarriage retraction/extension.

  • You will be shown how to operate your harness and canopy. Passengers must advise the pilot if they have any concerns about their harness or how they are feeling. The canopy must remain closed in flight, and only opened with the pilot’s permission once on the ground.

  • Passengers must be accompanied to and from the aircraft by Warrior Warbirds staff.

  • In an emergency, you must follow the instructions of the pilot, including instruction to exit the aircraft after releasing your harness and opening the canopy when on the ground. In an emergency, you may exit the aircraft via either side and leave the immediate vicinity of the aircraft to a place of safety.

Passengers must sign an acknowledgement form before flight indicating they understand and will comply with these conditions.


Flights may be re-scheduled at short notice due to safety issues, environmental or otherwise. These issues include;

  • Unsuitable or dangerous weather.

  • The aircraft being unserviceable.

Any flight that is cancelled by Warrior Warbirds for unsuitable weather or aircraft unserviceability will be rescheduled and flown at a later time with no additional fee.

All flights will be fully paid for before flight departure.

Flight Termination

Any flight that is terminated after departure but before the full flight duration (15 minutes for a Short Flight and 30 minutes for a Premium Flight) due to weather, mechanical, or safety reasons will be rescheduled and flown again at a later time for the original full flight duration with no additional fee.

Any flight that is terminated before the full flight duration due to:

  • the passenger requesting the early finish of the flight; or,

  • the pilot terminating the flight because of a passenger breaching our terms and conditions during the flight;

The flight will be considered completed in full, even if the actual flight time is less than the flight duration paid for or that specified on the flight ticket.

Gift Flight Tickets

Flight Tickets are open dated flight tickets valid for one flight at Warrior Warbirds as describe in writing on the paper ticket, being either the Premium flight (30 minute flight) or Short flight (15 minute flight). Flights are by appointment only thus a Ticket is to be utilised by first making a booking for a flight with Warrior Warbirds then presenting to the relevant Warrior Warbirds location with the physical paper ticket at the agreed booking time. Flight Tickets are valid only for the passenger named and from the airport specified on the ticket. Warrior Warbirds Flight Tickets:

  • Are non refundable.

  • Have no cash value and are not redeemable for money or value to be transferred to any other product.

  • Are a flight tickets valid for 6 months from the date of purchase. They will be issued with an expiry date at lest 6 months from the day of purchase. Tickets are valid for redeeming a flight on or before the certificate expiry date.

  • Must be surrendered to Warrior Warbirds staff at flight check-in to be redeemed for a flight.

  • They’re not transferable to another person or to another location. Tickets are valid only for the passenger and departure airport specified on the ticket.

Expired tickets may be revalidated for a further 3 months by paying a $150 ticket extension fee.

Fees, Charges, and Payments

If a passenger changes or re-schedules a flight with less than 24 hours notice there may be an $150 late change fee added.

If a passenger's flight is cancelled due to them breaching any of these terms and conditions they may lose their deposit or gift certificate.

Credit card (Visa and Master Card) and EFTPOS available.

1.7% Credit card surcharge is applicable to credit card payments.